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Remembering the Beloved Pastor, Dr. Charles F. Stanley

Once again, this journal will veer slightly off-topic to remember the beloved Pastor Dr. Charles F. Stanley, who passed away on April 18, 2023.

Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose
Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose

No matter where you sit on the spiritual spectrum, the positive influence of Dr. Stanley is undeniable. Although I was baptized in the Episcopal faith, I have learned more from Dr. Stanley than any other ministry. I may not agree with every tenet held by the Baptist faith, but I agree that Dr. Stanley did his best to "walk the walk" and lead by example. I made notes from his sermons, which is something I have not done with any other religious leader. His sermons were crucial during a challenging time in my life, and I honestly believe I would not have "made it through" without the guidance of this soft-spoken southern gentleman. I looked forward to seeing his nature photography, which his staff at In Touch Ministries used to share perspectives on their faith. He was very, very different from so many other leaders, and there really are no other words to convey the positive impact of his ministry. So, I will leave you with some of his final words for all of us:

"Obey God and leave all the consequences to him."

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