Some are saying that Year 2025 is a great time to be alive, thanks to all the craziness happening in the world. Others may not agree. Yet, it can be fun to have a front row seat on a wild ride. Let's be honest, though. History has given us numerous wild rides, and each one is wild based on different circumstances, some for better and others, not so much. Regardless of what is happening in the world, let's focus on one thing: beauty.
If we lose sight of the importance of beauty, then what will we aim toward if we need to rebuild? This goes for anything, such as rebuilding a damaged home or resurrecting a neglected garden. As a result, Floramont must continue to devote itself to beauty in the form of flowers, gardens, and nature. Naturally, there will be nods to French culture, because France and Québec are tied to the original DNA of this website, as well as the writer of this article. Besides, the French certainly know a thing or two about cultivating beauty.
This year, there will be a new series featuring floral designs in honor of certain predecessors. Some of the individuals may be well known, while others will be ancestors who provide inspiration. Hint: one ancestor has the surname LaTulippe, so can you guess what will appear in that bouquet?
By the way, if you are wondering about the image above, it is an engraving by Pierre Gandon for an envelope known as a Premier Jour d'émission (first day of issue) honoring Floralies Parisiennes, a horticultural event that occurred in 1959. The engraving was specifically designed for this envelope, which also featured a stamp that was created for this special event. This is just another example of how much French culture values beauty in the form of flowers, gardens, and nature.
While everyone else is focused on the latest drone sightings or other inexplicable mysteries, we will focus on the beauty of our surroundings. Sometimes, it can be hard to find, but we should keep looking for the sake of our sanity.